WilQu - 2008-09-21 11:57:42

The following fleets met in battle:

Attacker: WilQu

Defender: Sledge

-- After battle --

Attacker: WilQu
S.Cargo...3 ( lost: 0 )
L.Fighter...3 ( lost: 1 )
H.Fighter...1 ( lost: 0 )

Defender: Sledge

The attacker has won the battle!
He captured
6.917 metal 3.537 crystal and 2.959 deuterium

The attacker lost a total of 4.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 20.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 3.900 metal and 2.100 crystal.

Battle Result
(Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
Attacker gain: 15.413
Defender lost: 20.000
Total Damage: 24.000

Converted with Invader Skodge's CR Converter 3.5

raulek - 2008-09-21 14:34:40

świetnie WilQu ładnie go pocisnołeś :D

Master Of Hardcore - 2008-09-21 20:29:40

gz ;]

Guti - 2008-09-22 13:48:40

kurde nie wiem jak wy to robicie ze statkow tyle wam w piach idzie :pp ja na tym uni jeszcze zadnego statku nie wtopilem :d chyba najwyzszy czas cos rozwalic i z mojej strony :d ale musze jak narazie recki zrobic :d

www.bakugan-dark-revisions.pun.pl www.polskiservwszystkiego.pun.pl www.diablo2anime.pun.pl www.bolly-tolly-kolly.pun.pl www.ppkw.pun.pl